


[ɪts]  [ɪts]


pron. 它的


A chain is no stronger than its weakest link 一环薄弱全局坏
act without its material cause 【法】 不要因行为
electroplating for aluminium and its alloy 【化】 铝和铝合金电镀
electroplating for aluminum and its alloy 【化】 铝和铝合金电镀
Every bean has its black 人各有其短
Every bullet has its billet 每颗子弹都有归宿
in its broad sense 按其广义来说
in its true light 原形毕露
It's an ill bird that fouls its own nest 家丑不可外扬
judge a case on its own merits 【法】 按事实真相来审案
let it have its swing 任其自然
monetary exchange system and its management 【经】 货币兑换制度及汇价管理
nod to its fall 摇摇欲坠
on its own intiative 【法】 依职权, 按职权
oxidizing treatment for copper and its alloys 【化】 铜及其合金的氧化处理
run its course 按常规发展
see sth in its true colours 看清某事物的真相
see sth. in its true colors 看清事物的真相
set sth on its feet 使某物独立存在下去
shake...to its foundations 从根本上动摇...
skin a flea for its hide 爱财如命
stand something on its head 使某事发生剧变
stand truth on its head 颠倒是非
statement of funds and its application 【经】 资金及其运用表
tell its own story 不言而喻
tell its own tale 不言而喻, 显而易见
trace a rumour to its source 【法】 追查谣言来源
within its four corners 【法】 包括在全部范围内, 事实明显, 昭然若揭

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