


[ə'nʌðə]  [ə'nʌðɚ]


a. 另外的, 再一的, 不同的
pron. 又一个, 另一个, 类似的另一个


a horse of another colour 完全另一回事
advance money for another 【经】 代垫款项
another and yet another 一个又一个, 接二连三
another pair of shoes 另外一回事
another pivottable 【计】 其他数据透视表
child by another vener 【法】 异母所生子
dance to another tune 改弦易辙
look one way and row another 声东击西
one after another 接连地【计】 批次发送
one another 彼此
One good turn deserves another 善有善报
One man's meat is another man's poison 对某人有利的对另外的人未必有利
one time with another 前后合起来
one way or another 无论如何
over the property of another 【法】 他物权
pay for another 【经】 代付
play sb. off against one another 挑拨离间
say turkey to one and bazzard to another 厚此薄彼
say turkey to one and buzzard to another 厚此薄彼
sing another tune 改变调子, 转变态度
some...or another 某一..., 不确定的人/物
take one thing with another 考虑各种情况
taken one with another 总的看来
taking one with another 总的来看
That's quite another pair of shoes 完全是另一回事
try another tack 改换方针
understand one another 相互了解
visit the sins of another person upon sb 使某人因他人所犯之罪而受责罚
visit the sins of another person upon sb. 使某人代人受过
yet another reason 再有一个理由

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