


[laɪk]  [laɪk]


变化:过去式 liked 过去分词 liked 现在分词 liking

a. 相似的, 同样的
vt. 喜欢, 愿意, 想
vi. 喜欢, 希望
n. 爱好, 同样的人(或物)
prep. 象, 如同
ad. 可能


and the like 等等【经】 依次类推
anterior pituitary like substance 【医】 前叶样激素
as concerns that matter I should like to say... 关于那件事, 我想说
as like as chalk and cheese 形似而实质不同
as like as two peas 一模一样
be out like light 醉得不省人事, 被击昏, 昏睡
be packed like sardines 装得极满
bob up like a cork 东山再起
carry one's liquor like a gentleman 没有丝毫醉意
die like a dog 悲惨地死去, 可耻地死去
die like a rat 被毒死
drink like a fish 大喝
drop sth. like a hot chestnut 急忙扔掉某物
eat like a bird 吃得极少
eat like a horse 吃得多
feel like a boiled rag 觉得非常不舒服
feel like doing 想要(做)...
feel like sth 摸上去如同..., 想要..., 需要...
fight like Kilkenny cats 拚到两败俱伤
fit like a glove 完全相合, 恰好
follow like sheep 盲从
for all the world as like 简直好象, 恰似
get on like a house on fire 一见如故
go like the wind 飞驰
go off like the snuff of a candle 突然死掉
go out like light 开始醉得不省人事, 被击昏, 开始昏睡
grin like a Cheshire cat 常常无缘无故地傻笑
grow like a weed 迅速蔓延
had like to have done 差点儿就要做了
hate each other like poison 互相恨之入骨
hate the enemy like sin 痛恨敌人
have a head like a sieve 记忆力极差
have a memory like a sieve 记忆力极差
hit like a ton of bricks 极打动人, 使人惊呆
hold on like grim death 死不松手
I should like 我要
if you like 如果你愿意, 如果你愿意这样理解, 如果你不想要别的
in like manner 同样地
in like wise 同样地
it looks like 看来象..., 看上去好象
knock over like skittles 驳倒, 一下子打倒
know like a book 对...通晓
know sth like the palm of one's hand 对某事了如指掌
know sth. like the palm of one's hand 了如指掌
lie like a gas meter 一味撒谎
like a bear with a sore head 心情恶劣
like a brick 活泼地
like a bull at a gate 鲁莽地, 猛烈地
like a charm 效验如神地
like a cork 突然出现
like a drowned mouse 狼狈不堪
like a drowned rat 象落汤鸡
like a duck in a thunderstorm 目瞪口呆
like a duck to water 轻而易举地
like a fish out of water 如鱼离水, 不适应
like a flash 一刹那间, 瞬间, 即刻
like a hen on a hot girdle 极不安定
like a hen with one chicken 大惊小怪
like a hundred of bricks 来势凶猛地
like a lamb 驯顺地, 怯弱地, 天真地
like a log 象木头一样不动
like a rat in a hole 瓮中之鳖一般
like a shot 飞快地, 立刻
like a streak 闪电般地, 飞快地
like a ton of bricks 气势汹汹, 勃然大怒, 来势凶猛
like all possessed 拼命地
like anything 象什么似的, 非常猛地, 拼命地
Like attracts like 物以类聚
like attribute 【计】 相似属性
like blazes 猛烈地
like bricks 活泼地, 勇猛地
like clockwork 顺当地, 有规律地, 毫无故障地, 自动地
like combinations 【计】 相同组合
like crazy 发狂似地, 发疯似的, 拼命地
Like cures like 以毒攻毒
Like father,like son 有其父必有其子
like for like 以牙还牙
like fury 猛烈地
like greased lightning 风驰电掣地
like hell 拼命地
like it or not 不管你喜欢不喜欢
like mad 疯狂地
like nothing on earth 世间稀有的, 珍奇的
like old boots 拼命地
like one o'clock 非常迅速地, 马上, 非常乐意地, 津津有味地
like parity 【计】 同奇偶性
like poles 【机】 同名极
like products 【经】 类似产品
like rabbits in a warren 挤得水泄不通
like sardines 拥挤得象沙丁鱼似的, 拥挤不堪
like sin 猛烈地
like sixty 飞快地
like smoke 一溜烟地, 顺当地, 容易地
like that 就象上述那样的(地)
like the devil 猛烈地
like water off a duck's back 毫无作用
like wildfire 迅速地
like winking 转瞬间, 很快地, 有劲地
live like a lord 过豪华的生活
live like fighting cocks 吃得好

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